the study of philosophy of language does not come close to describing how communication works with humans and their interactions. there does involve some sort of combination of interaction which involves the communicators spoken words, proposition, tone of voice, and combination of words. The context of the situation takes affect as well but the issue I bring forth is never really considered as a variable. That is the speaker's ego, their perceived personality, just who they are as a whole dictates what they can or cannot say, as well as how it will be perceived in the listener/s. The very quite man who keeps to himself mostly cannot crack multiple jokes on their spouse without some tension arising from 3rd party people, who do not understand his context or if he is being rude. But a man who has a very strong ego who is the controlling one in the relationship, could crack the jokes and the jokes would not be received the same way as in the first scenario. the jokes would be perceived differently and their overall value would be dictated on the ego of the speaker.
Those who find human interaction as confusing and/or dull, do not trouble. I find it to occur most often. The small talk of the world is kind to our hearts, for it allows fellowship and a shallow sort of friendship. That type of communion is not wrong and can be pleasurable and comforting. But when we seem too lost in the world to relate to others' beings and lives, it allows for one to feel extremely alone. As if locked in a package, traveling but never being known. Being seen by many but the contents and its true essence are never really known.
In other cases, human interaction can just be too much work. Our brains must continually process information in interactions as well as figure out when to interject, when to provide some sort of interaction or exchange of words.
As well even more, we see many things spoken of have no real logical value. Ideas are spoken of and compared to other concepts or things and we believe we see connections with how the world works with these things or concepts. This is a huge problem in the field of philosophy, since philosophy asks for finding relations among ideas, concepts, things, simples, and complexities with other things of these sorts when we cannot see whether there actually IS any connection. Science has been so successful since we can (by testing) discover and breakdown the simple occurrences in the world to discover where relations lie with objects.
I believe some people find trouble with human interaction simply because we are not provided any background on how to act, nay, how to provide a "persona" for one's self. I feel the most important feature to describe how one should act is involving ethics. But this provides nothing involving the little details of human interaction and how one has a persona or ego. If we do not know who we are (our core self) then it makes it very difficult to build on who we want to be.
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